Museum of the Center of Europe EUROPOS PARKAS

the admirable world of art,
enjoy the nature,
get inspired.

Sol LeWitt. Double Negative Pyramid
Europos Parkas Makoto Ito kūrinys „Sraigė“


                  Discover the admirable world of art, enjoy the nature, get inspired.

Makoto Ito kūrinys „Sraigė“ fotografija L. Bielinio

Discover the admirable world of art, enjoy the nature, get inspired.

Magdalena Abakanowicz. Neatpažinto augimo erdvė. L.Bielinio fotografija
Europos Parkas sculpture by Gintaras Karosas "Culture"

Discover the admirable world of art, enjoy the nature, get inspired.

"Culture" by Gintaras Karosas. Author's photo
Europps parkas, sculpture by Gintaras Karosas for Kristijonas Donelaitis

Discover the admirable world of art, enjoy the nature, get inspired.

Gintaras Karosas. For Kristijonas Donelaitis. Author's photo
"Culture" by Gintaras Karosas. Author's photo

Discover the admirable world of art, enjoy the nature, get inspired.

Gintaro Karoso „Kultūra“ fotografija autoriaus

The Open-Air Museum of the Centre of Europe is open for visitors throughout the year daily

From 10 am to sunset. The last entry in spring and summer time – at 7 pm.

There is an electric car charging station.

+370 5 2377077
About us
While enjoying the treasured landscape of the park, you will at the same time discover the admirable world of art. The collection includes large scale works by famous contemporary artists such as Abakanowicz, Oppenheim, LeWitt, Pepper.

The goal of the museum is to give an artistic significance to the geographic centre (as determined by the French National Geographic Institute in 1989) of the European continent and to present the best of Lithuanian and international modern art achievements.
 Informacija mokytojams
Information for teachers

Information for teachers

When visiting our museum you have an amazing opportunity to experience the joy of creating art. We organize special creative lessons for school children, where they can explore the fascinating world of contemporary art, broaden their horizons and get some inspiration. Children get to mold, draw, design, play and talk about art. Our programs are adapted for a wide range of age and educators choose the best activities suitable for every age group.
We invite you to the į educational activities at Europos parkas. 
Virtual journey
Discover the museum of contemporary art, Europos parkas in a different way
Virtual journey
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