Museum of the Center of Europe EUROPOS PARKAS

Reclining Woman

About the artwork
The Kingdom of Belgium donated the sculpture to the Republic of Lithuania on the occasion of its presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The sculptor Damien Moreau took part in the sculpture uncovering ceremony. The Reclining Woman in Europos Parkas will represent a tiny part of the Belgian culture in Lithuania.

„Art gets different countries and people closer to each other. The placing of a sculpture by a Belgian artist in Europos Parkas – a generous gesture on the part of Belgium – is one more bridge connecting our cultures“,– says sculptor Gintaras Karosas, the Head of Europos Parkas. „I would like to express gratitude to the initiators of this benevolent act - Mr Christian Verdonck, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium, who has implemented this project without a second thought, and Mr Serge Wauthier, an ex-ambassador and the author of this idea. I hope that this great example will give incentive to other countries to erect sculptures representing their national culture.“
Author: Damien Moreau
Country: Belgium

Reclining Woman, a sculpture by a Belgian artist Damien Moreau has been unveiling in Europos Parkas in 2010.

Histhorical photographs